Essential Personal Cambodia was founded to improve the lives of youth with disability in Cambodia. Many of the youth live without hope or an opportunity to become independent and be valued members of their society.

There is no welfare, government support or grants for people with disabilities in Cambodia. They are totally reliant on the benevolence of individuals from organisations such as ours. The culture of Essential Personnel is built on commitment to improving people with disabilities quality of life through skill development, education, training and employment.

The Story
In 2008 staff from Essential Personnel (a registered charity and provider of services to people with disability in WA) visited Cambodia to experience assisting the disabled in a third world country. Cambodia is the highest per-capita ranked country in the world with people with disabilities.
Cambodia Needs Your Help
The complex will be situated approximately 20kms from the centre of Phnom Penh. The complex will consist of a male dormitory and a female dormitory accommodating 25 students each; a kitchen and dining area; a house for manager and volunteer accommodation; 6 tuition classrooms; a craft workshop and administration offices.
An architect’s impression of the Essential Personnel Cambodia Education and Employment Complex.
As at the end of July 2014 the land has been purchased and a well has been dug on the block. The next steps will be to connect electricity and erect perimeter fencing. The projected cost of the completed complex is $380,000.

Education and Employment
Youth with a disability who attend the centre will participate in programs which will seek to empower them through education and training, leading to employment and self-sufficiency.
Students that live in the complex will attend a nearby public school and will receive additional English and Information Technology tuition in the complex. This program will cover the cost of tuition, provide transport to and from school and monitor scholastic progress. The Centre will also provide support to outlying provinces by monitoring school attendance and providing support to the students and their families through home visitation.